Does it feel a little strange these days when you venture out into public unmasked? I have been experiencing the jitters when I go into indoor places where there are crowds, like church, for example. A few weeks ago, I went back to in-person service, to fulfill my volunteer ushering duties, and it felt very awkward when I saw throngs of people entering the sanctuary sans masks! I could feel my nerves kicking in, so I put mine on, even though I really stood out in the crowd! Then, I got embarrassed, thinking to myself, “am I the only one that didn’t get the “bulletin” that COVID is gone forever?” LOL.
I can manage okay in smaller crowds for the time being. I have enjoyed getting back to live networking events, laughing and seeing the smiling faces once covered up by a piece of cloth. I have been doing fine outside and have been actively hiking with groups of friends. I must admit, however, that I do give every person the ‘once over’ to see if they ‘appear’ to be sick. Are they coughing, sneezing (hello, allergy season!), or just looking really awful? All kidding aside, I haven’t had any issues, as my mind appears to do the ‘pre-check’ of who I am hanging out with to my satisfaction.
Many people, however, are still feeling anxious when it comes to stepping out into post-pandemic life. If this return to ‘normalcy’ is making you feel stressed, you are not alone and are likely experiencing post-pandemic reentry syndrome. One psychiatrist I stumbled upon in my research compares coming out of the pandemic lock-down to leaving a dark room and suddenly going out into the bright sunlight. It takes our eyes some time to adjust.
So, how do we readjust to life after Covid? Take one step at a time, and focus on the people, places, and activities that bring you joy. Next, pinpoint your fears. What is keeping you from getting back into public life? Is it fear of rejection or not ‘fitting in’ with your previous social circles? Are you afraid of getting sick even though you are fully vaccinated and boosted? Are you nervous about socializing in person again? Find out what is triggering your anxiety by asking some questions.
What are some good tips for managing anxiety? According to Medstar Health, there are some key strategies you can use. Focus on what you can control: Where you go, who you are with, and whether to put on a mask. Practice deep breathing. Set Healthy Boundaries: Do what you are comfortable with and be mindful of those who are a step behind. Exercise Outdoors: Physical movement and seeking out a change of scenery can help reset your mind and body. Give Back: Volunteering can keep you stay focused on something positive. Remember to Laugh: it releases stress. Be prepared for critics: don’t let them get to you. Finally, take your time: Everyone’s pace will be different as we adjust to post-pandemic life.